Category Archives: Seawater Desalination
Carlsbad Desalination Plant Celebrates 100 Billion Gallons Served
Water Authority Develops Road Map to a Secure Water Future
The San Diego County Water Authority’s Board of Directors on Thursday received updates about two potential capital projects to meet the region’s long-term need for water through 2035 – a seawater desalination plant at Camp Pendleton and a large-scale conveyance system to deliver water from the Colorado River. Both options – and several others – will be considered as the Water Authority crafts its long-range planning document, the 2013 Regional Water Facilities Optimization and Master Plan.
Water Authority Board Approves Terms and Conditions for Negotiating Carlsbad Desalination Project Water Purchase Agreement
The San Diego County Water Authority Board of Directors today approved key terms for purchasing water from the nation's largest seawater desalination facility in Carlsbad.
Today's action enables Water Authority staff to begin negotiating specific elements for a water purchase agreement with Poseidon Resources, the private firm developing the Carlsbad Desalination Project. These elements include water purchase price, allocation of risk and options to eventually purchase the project's pipeline and the entire desalination plant.
Water Authority and City of San Diego Receive International Water Award
The San Diego County Water Authority and the City of San Diego Public Utilities Department recently jointly received the 2010 Public Water Agency of the Year Award of Distinction from the Global Water Awards. The agencies were selected from an international field of candidates for their leadership in managing scarce water resources in 2009 through the development of innovative projects and programs.
North County Pipeline Being Drained as Safety Measure
Construction crews are starting the process to repair a faulty connection between two large-diameter water pipes in San Marcos after a leaky pipe coupling was discovered this morning.
The San Diego County Water Authority took immediate steps to facilitate repairs, including draining approximately 15 acre-feet of treated water from Pipeline 4. An acre-foot is about 325,900 gallons, enough to serve two typical families of four for a year. The water will be de-chlorinated before it’s drained to minimize its environmental impact.
New State Water-Use Regulation Offers Regional Benefits from Seawater Desalination
The San Diego County Water Authority is working with state regulators to certify the Claude “Bud” Lewis Carlsbad Desalination Plant as a drought-resilient local supply source that will reduce state-mandated water-use targets across the region.
Local Supplies from Carlsbad Desalination Plant Certified as Drought-Resilient
State regulators have certified the supply of potable water from the Claude “Bud” Lewis Carlsbad Desalination Plant as drought-resilient, reducing the regional impacts of emergency water-use mandates the state imposed in June 2015. Certification by the State Water Resources Control Board lowers the regional aggregate water conservation goal from 20 percent to about 13 percent, though water-use targets will continue to vary by local water agency.
Region Beats Aggregate State Water-Use Targets Through February
Preliminary data released today by the San Diego County Water Authority show that the region reduced potable water use by 21 percent from June through February, outperforming the state’s aggregate regional target of 20 percent during the initial phase of unprecedented state water-use mandates.
Carlsbad Desalination Project Crews Complete Construction of 10-Mile Pipeline
After more than two years of work, Carlsbad Desalination Project crews installed the final segment of the 10-mile conveyance pipeline that connects the Carlsbad Desalination Plant to the San Diego County Water Authority’s regional water distribution system. Construction crews lowered the final piece of pipe – No. 2177 – into Macario Canyon in Carlsbad this morning, completing a major element of the historic project.