Collaborative Efforts Unite Region’s Water Agencies

The Water Authority works closely with its 22 member agencies to provide safe, reliable water service to the region.

The Water Authority’s member agencies provide retail water service to 3.3 million people across the region.

Member Rates & Charges

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Invoice & Payment Dates

The Water Authority sets billing schedules for member agencies to promote timely payment of water delivery and capacity charges.

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Rates & Charges

Water rates and charges are adopted annually to recover the cost of providing service to 22 member agencies, pursuant to legal requirements and industry standards.

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Rate Allocation

Fixed charges for member agencies include Readiness-to-Serve, Capacity, Supply Reliability, Customer Service, Emergency Storage, and Infrastructure Access.

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Capacity Charges

The System Capacity Charge is the cost for the conveyance and storage facilities necessary to operate the delivery system.

Member Special Issues

farmer tightening a water main
Agricultural Water Program

The Water Authority’s Board of Directors has adopted a permanent Special Agricultural Water Rate Program that provides farmers with lower-cost supplies that have a lower level of reliability.