A Variety of Contracting Opportunities
The Water Authority fosters relationships with vendors who offer quality goods and services at competitive prices. Contractors may attend bid and proposal meetings and business trainings to learn about contracting opportunities with the Water Authority. Interested vendors are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the Water Authority’s purchasing practices, and get registered in the Water Authority’s online vendor portal.
Online Vendor Portal
Vendor Registration via Bidnet’s California Purchasing Group
The Water Authority uses Bidnet’s California Purchasing Group as its online vendor portal. Registration is free regardless of company size.
Registration in Bidnet’s California Purchasing Group provides access to solicitation documents (Notices Inviting Bids, Requests for Proposals) posted by the Water Authority and other participating public agencies. In addition, participants will receive automatic email notifications when solicitations are posted that are relevant to their profile.
Project Labor Agreement
The Water Authority Board of Directors approved a Project Labor Agreement (PLA) that covers select construction projects of $1 million or greater. The agreement mitigates labor-related construction disruptions; encourages a local, veteran, and disadvantaged construction workforce; and helps create employment and training opportunities. The PLA includes goals for employing 60 percent Local Workers and 15 percent Targeted Workers of the construction workforce on Covered Projects. Successful bidders and subcontractors of all tiers awarded Covered Work will be required to execute a Letter of Assent to abide by the terms and conditions of the PLA.
Public Works Contractor Registration
Department of Industrial Relations Registration as a Public Works Contractor
Pursuant to California Labor Code Section 1725.5, the Water Authority requires all contractors and subcontractors to be registered with the DIR before submitting a bid on any public works project. For more information, go to the state of California Department of Industrial Relations.
Solicitations & Bids
The Water Authority seeks competitive proposals and bids for a variety of goods, supplies, materials, and services posted at Current and Upcoming Solicitations. Solicitation documents for advertised projects are available for view and download by clicking the “More Information” button.
Bid Results from past procurements are available for review, as are procurements done under the Public Agency Clause, which allows for extending contract pricing, terms, and conditions to other public agencies.