Category Archives: Water Supplies
Time to Let Mother Nature Do the Watering for a Change
The San Diego County Water Authority urges residents and businesses to turn off their irrigation systems and leave them off for up to two weeks following a storm that is expected to deliver significant rainfall on Tuesday and Wednesday. A few rainy days can provide enough water for lawns to survive for weeks without irrigation, and they provide a valuable chance to save stored water supplies for next summer when water reserves will be even more important.
Carlsbad Desalination Project 65 Percent Complete
At the start of the 2015 “water year,” the largest seawater desalination project in the Western Hemisphere is 65 percent complete and on schedule for delivering drought-proof water supplies to the San Diego County Water Authority next fall.
Water Authority Board Chair Thanks Voters for Supporting State Water Bond
“We salute the residents of San Diego County for their strong and enduring commitment to a safe and reliable water supply as shown by their support for the state water bond – Proposition 1 – on the Nov. 4 ballot. A Water Authority poll earlier this year showed that nearly 80 percent of respondents supported the Water Authority’s strategy to diversify the region’s water supply, and we saw that commitment to similar solutions statewide clearly on election night.
Expansion Project Doubles Treated Water Deliveries to Otay Water District
The San Diego County Water Authority completed construction of its Otay 14 Flow Control expansion project, preparing it for connection to a new 36-inch Otay Water District pipeline. When complete in summer 2010, the pipeline will double daily treated water deliveries to the Otay Water District to 16 million gallons per day. The flow control expansion project is a key component of the Water Authority’s East County Regional Treated Water Improvement Program (ECRTWIP).
Countywide Survey Shows High Levels of Awareness, Support for Water Conservation
A new poll commissioned by the San Diego County Water Authority shows widespread awareness of water supply challenges, strong backing of water conservation measures and mandatory restrictions, and continuing support for developing additional local water supplies. In another key finding, a majority of respondents now favor adding highly treated recycled water to the region’s drinking water supply.
State Water Project Allocations Remain Unchanged Despite Recent Storms
The chair of the San Diego County Water Authority Board of Directors said today’s state Department of Water Resources announcement that State Water Project deliveries will not increase despite recent rain and snow means the likelihood of water supply shortages this year is growing stronger.
Water Authority Urges Residents and Businesses to Turn Off Irrigation Systems
The San Diego County Water Authority is calling on all residents and businesses to immediately shut off irrigations systems to conserve water. Rain is forecast for the San Diego region beginning as early as late tonight, continuing periodically into next week. Irrigation systems can remain off for a minimum of a week to 10 days after a rainfall and longer if significant precipitation occurs.
Latest Snow Survey Results Reinforce Need for Immediate Water Conservation
In the wake of a well-below-normal statewide snow survey this week, the chair of the San Diego County Water Authority Board of Directors today urged residents and businesses around the region to be prepared for potential water shortages this year and to increase water conservation efforts immediately.
San Diego County Water Authority General Manager’s Statement on Federal Biological Opinion for Delta Smelt
A statement from Maureen Stapleton, General Manager, San Diego County Water Authority on U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s new biological opinion on Delta smelt that will guide operations of the State Water Project in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta