“To Quench a Thirst” Documentary Series Highlights Region’s Water History

What’s new? Click on image to view all three videos. An engaging new documentary series highlights the major events in the San Diego region’s on-going quest for safe and reliable water supplies.The three-part series provides a compelling, 13-minute overview that chronicles the search for water from  the indigenous people through decisive actions by area leaders to  develop  the region’s diversified water supply portfolio and robust infrastructure that today sustains 3.3 million people and a $231 billion economy. Click image above to view flipbook. The documentary series is based on the book “To Quench a Thirst: A brief history of water in […]

Regulations Will Target Long-Term Water Use Statewide

State officials are developing new water-use regulations for retail water agencies in response to legislation signed by Gov. Jerry Brown in May 2018. Senate Bill 606 and Assembly Bill 1668 were intended to help California better prepare for and respond to droughts and climate change by directing state agencies to adopt new water efficiency rules. Timeline for Long-Term Water-Use Regulations 2021: California Department of Water Resources recommends standards, variances and performance measures. 2022: State Water Resources Control Board adopts standards and performance measures. 2023: Retail water agencies calculate and report water-use objectives. 2027: Water suppliers are subject to fines if they […]