In 2021, the San Diego County Water Authority’s Board of Directors approved distribution of more than $90 million to its 24 member agencies across the region after receiving funds from the Los Angeles-based Metropolitan Water District of Southern California to pay legal damages and interest. The two parties are seeking to resolve the remaining issues outside of court as they partner on water supply reliability, conservation, affordability, and climate change issues challenging Southern California. The Water Authority’s payments to its member agencies result from the Water Authority’s successful rate case litigation against MWD. The Water Authority won key issues in […]
Cuando prendes la llave, puedes confiar que tu agua potable: Es limpia, segura y económica Está libre del coronavirus – ¡y es saludable para toda la familia! Es tratada para eliminar virus y bacterias Es probada para cumplir con estrictos estándares gubernamentales Para aprender más acerca de la calidad de tu agua, visita: Calidad Del Agua Para aprender más acerca de tu proveedor de agua local, visita: Agencias Miembros El agua es un recurso precioso, por favor úsalo sabiamente. Videos
The San Diego County Water Authority has completed a major rehabilitation project on the historic First Aqueduct in North San Diego County. The project renovated and replaced dozens of structures on two large-diameter pipelines, including Pipeline 1, which delivered the first imported water to the San Diego region in 1947 and remains a vital part of the regional water delivery system. The construction contract for the project was worth approximately $30 million. The timely rehabilitation of the First Aqueduct is part of the Water Authority’s proactive asset management program. A key element of providing safe and reliable water supplies is […]
The Water Authority’s Board of Directors adopted a resolution to approve the 2020 Urban Water Management Plan, Water Shortage Contingency Plan, and Appendix M Addendum to the 2015 Urban Water Management Plan at its May 27, 2021 meeting. The documents were released for a 60-day public comment period on March 8, 2021. A public hearing on the documents was held on March 25, with written comments due by May 6. The documents were submitted to the state Department of Water Resources by July 1, 2021. The state-mandated 2020 Urban Water Management Plan highlights how regional investments in a “water portfolio […]
As part of national Fix a Leak Week activities that start March 19, home and business owners across the region can take advantage of free water-use checkups and other water-saving resources offered by the San Diego County Water Authority and its member agencies. WaterSmart Checkups include site-specific recommendations from certified irrigation professionals to address leaks and enhance water-efficiency in other ways. Single-family home assessments include indoor and outdoor water-use inspections, while commercial checkups focus on outdoor water use. Property owners decide if and when to make upgrades. Appointments are available year-round at Even small leaks can create significant waste: […]
The San Diego region will benefit from a historic water conservation-and-transfer agreement with the Imperial Irrigation District at least through 2047 after the San Diego County Water Authority’s Board of Directors took action Dec. 7 to ensure deliveries of those supplies for an additional decade. The Water Authority’s independent Colorado River water supplies are delivered through the Colorado River Aqueduct. The Water Authority is assessing potential pipeline and tunnel alignments that could move these supplies from Imperial Dam to San Vicente Reservoir. The Board voted unanimously to extend an Exchange Agreement with the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California by […]
The Water Authority is developing an array of energy initiatives designed to control the costs of electricity needed to produce, treat and distribute water to the region’s residents and businesses. The Water Authority is preparing to use state grant funds to install a large-scale battery system that will save money by storing low-cost power for use during high-cost periods. While water reliability will always be the Water Authority’s primary focus, the agency’s Energy Program helps reduce energy costs and, in turn, helps stabilize the cost of water. The program aims to help the San Diego region maximize the use of renewable […]
Gov. Brown on April 7 formally ended the drought emergency for most of California due to record-setting precipitation during the past winter, following a resolution by the Water Authority’s Board of Directors in January to declare an end to drought conditions for San Diego County. The Water Authority applauded the governor’s decision because it’s critical for water agencies and regulators to maintain credibility with the public by acknowledging the dramatic improvement in water supplies. WaterSmart resources Even with the drought over, the Water Authority will continue to offer resources that promote water efficiency as a positive and permanent lifestyle. Resources include: Free WaterSmart Checkups […]
In celebration of Water Awareness Month, the San Diego County Water Authority is launching the Brought to You by Water Photo Contest to highlight the value of water in our region. From coffee and gardens to key industries like manufacturing and tourism – everything in San Diego County is fueled by safe and reliable water supplies from the Water Authority and its 24 member agencies. So look around and share your favorite things that are “Brought to You by Water.” The photo contest is on Instagram (@sdcwa) from May 1 to May 31, 2018. How to enter Take a photo that illustrates the value […]