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  4. How to Add or Edit Buttons on Page

How to Add or Edit Buttons on Page

Add Button to Page or Post by selecting (or search) Buttons from available Blocks. There are several Buttons to choose from available Blocks: Buttons, Advanced Buttons and Button List. See below for how to edit these.

Buttons (Basic)

  1. Select text within Button and edit copy as desired
  2. Select text and Link Icon within Toolbar above
  3. Set the URL and choose whether to Open in new tab

Advanced Button

  1. Select text within Button and edit copy as desired
  2. Within Block Settings in right sidebar
    1. Button link – Set Link URL and toggle for Open in new tab if you’d like link to open in new browser window (most typical for external link).
    2. Review other settings but suggest default setting to be consistent: Text/Color, Border, Margin, Padding, Hover and Advanced .
Advanced Button Example

Button List

  1. Select edit icon (pencil) to see available Button List options
  2. Select how many across for number of buttons
  3. Choose from the following options under Button List Items
    1. Label – This is text of button you’re creating
    2. Link Type – Choose File or Webpage
    3. Depending on Link Type, choose Add File or Select Link

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