Water Authority Calls for More Equitable Approach to State Water-Use Regulations

The San Diego County Water Authority is calling on residents across the region to significantly increase water conservation as it works with state regulators to improve draft water-use regulations released this week. The Water Authority is recommending fixes to ensure that the final regulations don’t punish ratepayers who already have conserved, undermine communities that have invested in new supplies, or unnecessarily threaten state and regional economies.

Water Authority Recommends Regional Water-Use Reduction Strategies

New regional drought-response measures recommended by the San Diego County Water Authority’s staff would assist local water agencies in meeting state mandated water-use reduction targets by restricting watering of ornamental landscapes to two days a week and boosting regional conservation and outreach efforts by $1 million.

Cooler Temperatures, Shorter Days Offer Opportunities to Save Water This Winter

With a water shortage still gripping the region, the San Diego County Water Authority and its 24 member agencies are encouraging residents, businesses and public agencies, as well as gardeners and landscape professionals, to take advantage of seasonal cooler temperatures and shorter days and reduce outdoor watering this winter.

Water Authority to Cut Water Deliveries to Local Agencies by 8 Percent

The San Diego County Water Authority Board of Directors, responding to reduced water supplies caused by regulatory restrictions on water deliveries from Northern California, lingering drought, and cutbacks from the San Diego region’s main water supplier, today approved cutting water deliveries to its member retail water agencies by eight percent effective July 1.

Water Authority Urges Residents and Businesses to Turn Off Irrigation Systems

The San Diego County Water Authority is calling on all residents and businesses to immediately shut off irrigations systems to conserve water. Rain is forecast for the San Diego region beginning as early as late tonight, continuing periodically into next week. Irrigation systems can remain off for a minimum of a week to 10 days after a rainfall and longer if significant precipitation occurs.

Water Authority Urges Turning Off Irrigation Systems Immediately

National Weather Service forecasters predict rainfall for the San Diego region beginning Saturday, December 13 through Wednesday, December 17. The San Diego County Water Authority is urging residents, businesses and public agencies to immediately shut off landscape watering systems to conserve water. Irrigation systems can be turned off for several days following storms bringing measurable amounts of rain, and up to a week or more following heavy or prolonged storms.

Water Authority Board approves model drought response conservation ordinance

Seeking to provide consistency in how its 24 retail member agencies respond to times of limited water supplies, the San Diego County Water Authority Board of Directors approved releasing a draft model drought response ordinance. The Water Authority’s member agencies will be asked to use the model ordinance to update their own ordinances to help provide consistency in drought response levels and water conservation requirements throughout the region.

Water Authority to launch major advertising campaign to boost voluntary conservation

Faced with court-ordered cutbacks in water deliveries from Northern California and lingering effects of dry conditions locally and around the West, the San Diego County Water Authority Board of Directors today approved spending approximately $1.8 million to implement a comprehensive advertising and marketing campaign to promote voluntary water conservation this year and into next spring. äóÂ

Water Authority urges residents to prepare now for water saving this summer

Spring arrives today. At this time of year, homeowners begin preparing for summer by planting flowers and fertilizing lawns. Traditionally, the San Diego County Water Authority issues a reminder as spring arrives that we live in a desert where water conservation is a way of life. Now is also the time to begin water conservation efforts in preparation for more daylight and warmer weather. But this summer will require an even greater effort than in the past to conserve water.