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  4. Add a New Image or Video

Add a New Image or Video

The Home page header area can contain either a still Banner Image or Banner Video. Note: Adding Banner Video will override any items in the Banner Image.

There’s related field for the overlay text over the video or image, information here.

Adding Image Banner

Within Home Page edit screen, under Banner Details Tab, add URL in Banner Video field. The URL can be found after uploading video to Media Library (See adding to media library here).

Note: Please use videos under 10 mb (or smaller!) if possible. Larger videos can slow down the site and load more slowly for the site visitor.

Adding Video Banner

Within Home Page edit screen, under Banner Details Tab, add image under Banner Image area. Simply add new or remove existing image to choose there.

Note: Image should be under 1mb and at least 1920px wide, 800px tall and 150dpi. Larger images will be downsized and cropped so make sure that you have non-essential content on the outer 20% of the image as it might get cropped. Images that are too small or lower resolution will be stretched and may look pixelated

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