50 Nifty Plants that Thrive in San Diego County

Enhance your garden with WaterSmart plants that reflect the beauty of San Diego’s natural environment. The Nifty 50 plants are attractive, non-invasive, easy to maintain, long-term performers and are water-wise once established. You can find them at local nurseries.

Programs & Rebates

residence with water effecient landscaping
Residential Rebates and Programs

Rebates on a variety of water-saving technologies such as high-efficiency clothes washers and toilets, rain barrels and irrigation nozzles. Free Water Use Surveys to make your property more water-efficient.​

commercial building with water efficient landscaping
Commercial Rebates and Programs

Free water efficiency site assessments, rebates for toilets, HVAC equipment, and food and medical equipment, landscape training, and more.

Agricultural Rebates and Programs

The Agricultural Water Management Program provides services and incentives for agricultural customers in the Water Authority service area.

WaterSmart Landscaping

WaterSmart Classes
WaterSmart Classes & Videos

WaterSmart or sustainable landscapes have climate-appropriate plants, healthy soil, efficient irrigation and rainwater capture features creating environmental and community benefits. Learn more with The Water Authority’s free classes and on-demand videos.

closeup of lawn sprinkler
WaterSmart Resources

Learn how to create a WaterSmart landscape with the Water Authority’s Nifty 50 plant list, various landscape guidebooks, water use surveys, and more.  Learn about trees, irrigation, local nurseries and sign up for a water use survey.  Here are some resources to help you live a WaterSmart lifestyle.

water efficient garden with a content winner sign
Landscape Contest

Several water agencies across San Diego County have teamed up to promote beautiful, low-water landscapes through contests. Check out past winners for inspiration and learn how to participate.