Water Authority Launches ‘MWD Facts: The Truth About the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California’
March 08, 2012
The San Diego County Water Authority today launched a new website – www.MWDFacts.com -- to provide greater information and transparency…
The San Diego County Water Authority today launched a new website – www.MWDFacts.com — to provide greater information and transparency into the powerful and secretive Metropolitan Water District of Southern California. The Water Authority is a member agency of MWD, which serves more than half of California’s population in a service area with an economy with a gross domestic product of greater than $1 trillion.
Yet despite its size and impact on Southern California ratepayers and the California economy, “MWD has too often kept critical information clouded in secrecy, misdirection and obfuscation” said Dennis Cushman, assistant general manager of the Water Authority.
The new website will provide the facts and documents that the public and ratepayers deserve. “MWD’s finances, rates, governance, ethics and other policies need to be discussed and debated in an open, transparent, accessible forum – not behind closed doors in an “Öinvitation-only,’ “Öpay-to-play,’ “Ösecret society,’ “ added Cushman.
The public is encouraged to check www.MWDFacts.com regularly, and to sign up for updates as the site will frequently post new information and documents on breaking issues involving the Metropolitan Water District.