Water Authority elects new officers to board of directors

December 09, 2004

By a unanimous vote, the San Diego County Water Authority board of directors today elected its new chairman, vice chairman…

By a unanimous vote, the San Diego County Water Authority board of directors today elected its new chairman, vice chairman and secretary.

James Bond of Encinitas was elected chairman of the board, George Loveland of San Diego, vice-chairman and Claude “Bud” Lewis of Carlsbad, secretary. The new officers begin two-year terms on Jan. 1, 2005.

James Bond represents the San Dieguito Water District in Encinitas on the Water Authority board. A board member since 1998, Bond currently serves as vice-chairman of the board and vice chairman of the executive committee. Bond represents the Water Authority as a director of California Colorado River Board and the Association of California Water Agencies. He is a member of the Water Authority’s Ad Hoc Committee on Bi-national Activities, Fiscal Policy and Water Policy committees and the Quantification Settlement Agreement Implementation Ad Hoc committee.

Currently in his fourth term on the Encinitas City Council, Bond has served on the Water Authority board from 1993 to 1997 and 1998 to current. He is a director and past chairman of San Dieguito Water District.

In addition to these responsibilities, Bond twice served as mayor of the city of Encinitas and has been a city councilmember since 1992. Bond is a director of the Cardiff Sanitation District and serves on the SANDAG Shoreline Erosion Committee and the SANDAG Borders/SANDAG Regional Planning committee. He is a past chairman of the Boys and Girls Club of San Dieguito and past president of the Del Mar Rotary Club.

George Loveland represents the city of San Diego on the Water Authority board. On the board since 2001, he currently serves as the board secretary and a delegate to the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California board. Loveland is a member of the Water Authority’s Fiscal Policy and Water Policy committees and the Quantification Settlement Agreement Implementation Ad Hoc committee.

Loveland is Assistant City Manager for the city of San Diego. His areas of responsibility include Citizens’ Assistance, Deputy City Managers, and the Development Services, Human Resources, Planning and the Public & Media Affairs departments. He is the former Senior Deputy General Manager responsible for supervision of Water, Wastewater, Transportation, Engineering, Development Review, Parks and Recreation, Environmental Services and General Services.

Claude “Bud” Lewis, mayor of the city of Carlsbad, has served on the Water Authority board since 1995. Lewis currently serves as a delegate to the MWD board, SANDAG board representative and is a member of the Public Affairs, Water Policy and Desalination Ad Hoc committees.

Lewis has been the mayor of Carlsbad since 1986. For 34 years, Lewis taught U.S. history and government at Carlsbad High School, where he was twice named “Teacher of the Year.” He also served as head coach for both the varsity football and baseball teams at Carlsbad and retired from the school system in 1992.

The San Diego County Water Authority is a public agency serving the San Diego region as a wholesale supplier of water from the Colorado River and Northern California. The Water Authority works through its 23 member agencies to provide a safe, reliable water supply to support the region’s $130 billion economy and the quality of life of 3 million residents.

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  • The San Diego County Water Authority sustains a $262 billion regional economy and the quality of life for 3.3 million residents through a multi-decade water supply diversification plan, major infrastructure investments and forward-thinking policies that promote fiscal and environmental responsibility. A public agency created in 1944, the Water Authority delivers wholesale water supplies to 22 retail water providers, including cities, special districts and a military base.

    Media Contact Information

    Jordan Beane

    Phone: (858) 221-3975

    Email: jbeane@sdcwa.org