Publication Type Archives:
Model Drought Response Ordinance
The Model Drought Response Ordinance is a tool to foster consistency throughout San Diego County on the response levels and water-use restrictions in place in the event of a drought or other regional supply shortages.
Integrated Regional Water Management Plan
The San Diego Integrated Regional Water Management Plan (IRWMP) addresses management of water resources, water quality, and habitat in a region that includes the portion of San Diego County that is tributary to coastal waters. The IRWMP was prepared under the direction of a Regional Water Management Group consisting of the San Diego County Water Authority, city of San Diego, and county of San Diego. The IRWMP builds on local water and regional management plans within the San Diego Region and was developed with input from an array of water management agencies. The San Diego Region is entirely within the […]
Water Shortage Contingency Plan
Climate Action Plan
The Water Authority recognizes the challenges that climate change poses to our region and is committed to proactively addressing the issue. The Climate Action Plan is an interdisciplinary effort intended to promote, facilitate, and coordinate implementation of climate change strategies and related activities within the Water Authority. The plan focuses on both greenhouse-gas emission reduction and adaptation measures to ensure the Water Authority’s water supplies, infrastructure, and services will accommodate the projected impacts of climate change. As a member of the Climate Registry, the Water Authority followed the Climate Registry’s General Reporting Protocol and the Local Government Operations Protocol tool to develop […]