San Luis Rey Habitat Restoration Project

Project Background

Project Map

The San Luis Rey Habitat Restoration project is located in the community of Fallbrook, approximately 0.5 miles west of Interstate 15, south of State Route 76. The site encompasses 45 acres, most of which is currently leased to a private agricultural operator and used to grow row crops. The Water Authority is required to provide area-based mitigation to compensate for future projects that have an impact on riparian/wetland and upland habitats in conformance with the obligations of the Natural Community Conservation Plan/Habitat Conservation Plan and the Programmatic Master Plan Permit, pursuant to the Clean Water Act. The San Luis Rey Habitat Mitigation project will create, restore, and enhance approximately 42 acres of Tier I riparian/wetland and Tier I upland habitats for use as mitigation credit.

Project Status: Future

  • Construction begins: September 2025
  • Construction ends: March 2026