Moosa Canyon Erosion Control
Project Background
North County Erosion Control Project Protects Pipelines
A crucial component of maintaining the Water Authority’s large-diameter pipelines is ensuring that they are protected from potential failures. In North San Diego County, Pipelines 3, 4 and 5 cross under Interstate 15 and traverse Moosa Canyon. The erosion control project in that location involved constructing a permanent erosion control system to protect the pipelines. The channel was excavated to approximately four to seven feet below grade, extended approximately two to three feet into the existing channel walls, and lined with rip rap up to the finish grade.
Some of the excavated soils were used onsite as compacted fill, minimizing the amount of waste from the construction site and the amount of truck traffic needed in the area. The project team worked with member agencies and the nearby community to ensure that the project did not impact water delivery to the area. The erosion control project was completed in 2018 and will extend the lifespan of the three pipelines in that area.
Project Status: Completed
This project was completed in 2018.