Water Authority Program Boosts Region’s Ag Economy
Understanding the importance of the agricultural sector to the San Diego region, the Water Authority has provided an interim special agricultural water rate to member agency agricultural customers since 2008. In September 2020, the Water Authority Board of Directors approved a Permanent Special Agricultural Water Rate (PSAWR) Program – with an effective start date of January 1, 2021.
Eligible farmers who voluntarily participate in the PSAWR program receive a lower water rate in exchange for a reduced level of water service during water supply shortages or emergencies.
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How To Apply
Download The PSAWR Handbook
The Water Authority worked closely with its member agencies and stakeholders, such as the San Diego County Farm Bureau, to develop the PSAWR policies and procedures documented in the PSAWR Handbook.
Read The PSAWR Handbook & See If You Qualify
Detailed information about eligibility, enrollment, annual assessment and certification are in the handbook. To take part in the PSAWR Program, member agency agricultural customers must:
- Grow or raise – for commercial purposes – products of an agricultural, horticultural, or floricultural nature.
- Be listed on one of the four eligibility lists managed by the County of San Diego or the San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board.
Member agencies are required to verify their customers’ eligibility based on the methods detailed in the PSAWR Handbook.
Contact Your Water Agency
The Water Authority oversees administration of the PSAWR Program at the member agency level and member agencies are responsible for administration at the retail customer level. Member agencies participating in the PSAWR Program will also be required to submit monthly reporting, annual assessment and biennial verification documents to ensure that they are adhering to PSAWR Program guidelines.