Jim Madaffer Elected as Board Chair of Water Authority

September 27, 2018

New officers for the San Diego County Water Authority’s Board of Directors were unanimously elected today, with Jim Madaffer starting his two-year term as Board chair on Oct. 1.

Madaffer, vice chair of the Board for the past two years as a representative from the City of San Diego, will serve with incoming Vice Chair Gary Croucher, a Board representative from the Otay Water District, and incoming Secretary Christy Guerin from the Olivenhain Municipal Water District.

Mark Muir, who represents the San Dieguito Water District on the Water Authority’s Board, served as chair for the past two years. He was honored at today’s meeting for leading the Water Authority during an era of water supply reliability, continued promotion of water-use efficiency, the adoption of new technologies to improve agency operations, and significant legal victories against the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California.

“The Water Authority is one of our region’s most important institutions, and I’m committed to continuing our long tradition of providing safe and reliable water supplies that sustain 3.3 million people and our $220 billion economy,” said Madaffer, noting that the Water Authority marks its 75th anniversary in 2019.

“Looking ahead, our core issues include ensuring long-term water reliability by supporting local supply development; advocating for balanced state water-use regulations; promoting water-use efficiency at homes and businesses; and adopting cost-effective innovations to operate and maintain the region’s water infrastructure,” Madaffer said.

He also said that the Water Authority will continue its long-running efforts to secure legal rates at MWD, while looking for ways to collaborate with MWD on other issues.

Madaffer joined the Water Authority Board in November 2012 and currently serves on the Water Authority’s Legislation and Public Outreach Committee as well as the agency’s Imported Water Committee. He is president of Madaffer Enterprises, which specializes in public policy and government relations. Madaffer is a member of the California Transportation Commission and a former city councilmember for the City of San Diego. He previously served as chair of the San Diego Association of Governments’ Transportation Committee and as president of the California League of Cities.

Incoming Vice Chair Croucher joined the Water Authority Board in July 2001 and served as Board secretary for the past two years. He is a member of the agency’s Administrative and Finance Committee and the Legislation and Public Outreach Committee. A career firefighter, Croucher currently serves as an assistant chief for CAL FIRE/San Diego County Fire. Croucher is chair of the Border Agencies Fire Council. He is a three-time president of the Otay Water District Board of Directors and former fire chief of the San Miguel Consolidated Fire Protection District. Croucher also serves on the Local Agency Formation Commission’s Borders Committee. He is a past president of Southern Area Fire Equipment Research, and he has participated on both state and federal Homeland Security programs.

Guerin, the new Board secretary, currently serves as chair of the Water Authority’s Legislation and Public Outreach Committee and sits on the Administrative and Finance Committee. She joined the Board in 2014 representing Olivenhain, where she is vice president of the board. Guerin served for a decade with the San Diego County Sheriff’s Department, and as mayor of Encinitas from 2002-2006. She has also served on the SANDAG board, the North County Transit District board and the board of the San Elijo Joint Powers Authority.

The Water Authority’s 36-member board, representing 24 retail member water agencies, holds its regular meetings on the fourth Thursday of each month January through October. The November and December meetings have been combined this year on Dec. 6. Board meetings are at the Water Authority’s headquarters, 4677 Overland Ave., San Diego. Board documents and webcasts of Board meetings are at www.sdcwa.org.

  • The San Diego County Water Authority sustains a $262 billion regional economy and the quality of life for 3.3 million residents through a multi-decade water supply diversification plan, major infrastructure investments and forward-thinking policies that promote fiscal and environmental responsibility. A public agency created in 1944, the Water Authority delivers wholesale water supplies to 22 retail water providers, including cities, special districts and a military base.

    Media Contact Information

    Jordan Beane

    Phone: (858) 221-3975

    Email: jbeane@sdcwa.org