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2021 Annual Report
2021 Annual Report

2021 Annual Report

Communication and Collaboration


H2Own Website Spotlights Regional Collaboration

In January 2021, the Water Authority and its member agencies launched, a website dedicated to showcasing that we are stronger together as a region working to maintain secure and reliable water supplies through innovative and forward-thinking actions. H2Own highlights the state of the art facilities and infrastructure that the region has invested in, including the Claude “Bud” Lewis Carlsbad Desalination Plant, that ensure our water supplies can meet our needs now and in the future, rain or shine. It showcases several videos talking about those investments and the large-scale planning efforts involved, such as the Urban Water Management Plan, to ensure the investments pay off for the region. H2Own is a one stop shop for education and information about water supply issues and the steps that are being taken to secure San Diego County’s future.