Water Authority Releases 2010 Draft Urban Water Management Plan
May 09, 2011
The San Diego County Water Authority is inviting public review and comment on the 2010 Urban Water Management Plan (UWMP),…
The San Diego County Water Authority is inviting public review and comment on the 2010 Urban Water Management Plan (UWMP), the agency’s long-range water resources planning tool. The public can make comments through June 6, 2011.
The UWMP contains a forecast of the San Diego region’s water demands and a detailed evaluation of supplies necessary to meet those demands for both normal and dry-year conditions over the next 25 years. The plan identifies existing and projected water supply projects and programs required to ensure long-term water supply reliability for the 95 percent of the county’s population who live and work within the Water Authority’s service area.
Copies of the draft 2010 UWMP are available for review on the Water Authority’s website at www.sdcwa.org/draft-2010-urban-water-management-plan or by requesting an electronic copy at uwmpcomment@sdcwa.org.
Comments must be received at uwmpcomment@sdcwa.org or mailed to: Urban Water Management Plan, San Diego County Water Authority, 4677 Overland Ave., San Diego, CA 92123, no later than 5 p.m. Monday, June 6, 2011.
A public hearing on the draft 2010 UWMP will be held May 26, 2011, at 1 p.m. in the Water Authority Board Room at 4677 Overland Avenue in Kearny Mesa. All public comments will be reviewed before the Water Authority Board of Directors considers the draft 2010 UWMP for adoption at its June 23, 2011 meeting.
All California urban water suppliers are required to prepare an Urban Water Management Plan under the California Urban Water Management Planning Act and update it every five years. Once adopted by the Board, the Water Authority submits the updated UWMP to the California Department of Water Resources, which uses it to determine the Water Authority’s eligibility for grant funds available through programs administered by the agency.