
The Water Authority’s adopted two-year budget incorporates the operating and capital budgets into a single volume. The budget is organized around the Water Authority’s five-year Business Plan programs of water supply, water facilities and business services. The Recommended Multi-Year Budget for Fiscal Years 2024 and 2025 was adopted, with modifications, at the June 22, 2023 Board meeting.

Controller’s Report

The Controller’s Report is provided on a quarterly basis and is a general overview of water sales information, revenues and expenses, and cash and investments by fund.

Policies, Resolutions and Ordinances

The Water Authority’s financial policies and resolutions have been included in this section. These are documents that pertain to rates and charges, investment and debt procedures, and other fiscal material that relates to the Water Authority and its member agencies.

Cost-of-Service Studies

In compliance with California legal requirements, cost-of-service standards, and Water Authority Board policy, the Water Authority’s Rates and Charges are subject to periodic independent Cost-of-Service studies.

Treasurer’s Report

The Treasurer’s Report is published monthly and includes a portfolio summary, investment and agency securities, yield graphs, investment portfolio details, investment activity, and a cash flow summary.